
Our Outpost is Being Overrun! - Breakaway Update 1.8 Review & Gameplay for Insurgency: Sandstorm by UselessFodder

Descending the stairs, the security operator saw the weapons on the floor, the broken door, and the pool of blood. "Something bad happened here..." he said to himself as he continued to clear the room. @insurgencygame #gamingphotography

The night was unseasonably cold and eerily quiet. The security operator wasn't fooled, though, and kept his weapon trained on the chokepoint. Long months in a city like this had taught him that you should always fear the quiet more than the noise. It was only quiet when bad things were about. Then, on the edge of his hearing, a shuffle of feet and sand on concrete told him those bad things were coming. He gripped his rifle tighter and flicked the selector switch to auto. It may have been quiet, but now it was about to get loud. @insurgencygame #gamingphotography

Bringing the heat... @insurgencygame #gamingphotography

Are We Live??? - Squad Gameplay on Talil Outskirts by UselessFodder

Taking Fallujah as the Middle Eastern Alliance - Squad 1.0 Playtest Gameplay Review by UselessFodder

Taking Fallujah as the Middle Eastern Alliance - Squad 1.0 Playtest Gameplay Review by UselessFodder